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Articles, Videos and Links
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Articles, Videos and Links
If you're looking for the book, check your local bookstore or go here
This is a video from Balam Ajpu, the Mayan HipHop group I talk about in Chapter 16.

Supporting Indigenous Communities
If you've read Chapter 12 of Yoga Mama's Buddha Sandals, then you might be wondering where you can purchase some of those great stocking stuffers for your coffee and cocoa afficionados. Here is a link to the website of Equal Exchange, Maya Vinic, and others as I find them, where you can go to purchase coffees, teas, cocoas and other Fair Trade products that not only directly benefit the people of Chiapas and surrounding areas, but also encourage organic farming and protecting the biodiversity of the cloud forests. And no, I don't get one brass farthing, nor a single bag of cocoa beans for posting these.
Equal Exchange
Maya Vinic
Maya Vinic was one of the coffee cooperatives I talked about in chapter 12. Even if you aren't a roaster interested in arranging a purchasing relationship, please do check out their site. Their story is worth the read. They sell primarily to coffee roasters who have traversed a rigorous screening process that can take 6 to 12 months to complete, but there are great rewards for those who make it through. Among them, being part of a world changing business with strong values and some of the best coffees in the world. Occasionally, they do sell to non members, with an 8 bag (1 pallet=1200 lbs.) minimum. I've had the coffee. It's worth it.
If you've read Chapter 12 of Yoga Mama's Buddha Sandals, then you might be wondering where you can purchase some of those great stocking stuffers for your coffee and cocoa afficionados. Here is a link to the website of Equal Exchange, Maya Vinic, and others as I find them, where you can go to purchase coffees, teas, cocoas and other Fair Trade products that not only directly benefit the people of Chiapas and surrounding areas, but also encourage organic farming and protecting the biodiversity of the cloud forests. And no, I don't get one brass farthing, nor a single bag of cocoa beans for posting these.
Equal Exchange
Maya Vinic
Maya Vinic was one of the coffee cooperatives I talked about in chapter 12. Even if you aren't a roaster interested in arranging a purchasing relationship, please do check out their site. Their story is worth the read. They sell primarily to coffee roasters who have traversed a rigorous screening process that can take 6 to 12 months to complete, but there are great rewards for those who make it through. Among them, being part of a world changing business with strong values and some of the best coffees in the world. Occasionally, they do sell to non members, with an 8 bag (1 pallet=1200 lbs.) minimum. I've had the coffee. It's worth it.
Perennial Plate Link
Homeward: Watch this five minute video by award winning Filmmakers, Mirra Fine and Daniel Klein about Oregano farmers in Hidalgo Mexico bringing hope to their villages. Then watch the rest of their videos. Award-winning for a reason, fascinating mini-docs from all over the world. Foodies, travelers, philosophers, and social activists: You're going to love these guys. |
60 Minutes
This is a clip from 1994 with an interview between 60 Minutes Ed Bradley and Subcomandante Marcos, a long time spokesperson for the Zapatistas. If you've read the book, you know this struggle is ongoing. |
Emcee Killa & Grim Repearz: Zapatista
This is another group I talked about in Chapter 16. Powerful! Video released in 2015. From UK's Wordplay: UK Hip Hop and Graffiti Culture: "As a whole, Zapatista reminds us of the true capability of rap. This is to provoke the listener’s intellect and promote going to the library to learn and research what you’ve heard. Featured artist Si Philli on the track ‘Penny 4 The Guy’ says it right with “This games about respect and I’m still giving it mine’"
This is another group I talked about in Chapter 16. Powerful! Video released in 2015. From UK's Wordplay: UK Hip Hop and Graffiti Culture: "As a whole, Zapatista reminds us of the true capability of rap. This is to provoke the listener’s intellect and promote going to the library to learn and research what you’ve heard. Featured artist Si Philli on the track ‘Penny 4 The Guy’ says it right with “This games about respect and I’m still giving it mine’"
Galleano Lives! Painting a Zapatista Teacher: May 2, 2015